Thursday, November 6, 2008

America votes and makes historic decisions?

So, the United States have elected themselves a new president this week.

You hear talk about a historic election. The first african american president, a giant leap for amerikind. Yes, I admit, that is a great thing. But, at the same time I can't be happy in light of what else happened this week.

The same week as americans show that race is no longer an impossible issue to overcome they also show that they have long ways to go with regards to other human rights. This is shown in all the ways the LGBT community got slapped in the face this week.

I am a strong believer in equality. I believe that everyone regardless of ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, sex, political views or sexual orientation etc. should have the same inalienable rights no matter what.

So, when I saw that three states, Arizona, California and Florida were voting on wether they should ban gay marrige or not I naively thougt that there is no way that a thing like that could pass this day in age. But oh was I wrong.

When the dust had settled on election night it was clear that citizens in these three states actually actively voted to restrict the rights of their fellow human beings simply because of their sexual orientation. I was shocked to say the least.

Also it was not only the issue of gay marrige that came to a vote this week. Arkansas voted to ban adotion for non-married couples which of course includes all gay couples but also heterosexual non-married couples.

It was not only on the political arena that LGBT community got shafted this week. I was equally shocked to learn that the TV network ABC was cutting out the lesbian storyline between charactes Erica and Callie on hit series Grey's Anatomy.

Apparently the Disney Company had gotten over a million concerned emails from viewers over the latest developements in the lesbian story line on the hospital drama. The reaction from the Disney Company and ABC is to put a swift end to the whle thing by firing actress Brooke Smith who plays Erica Hahn on the show, with immediate effect. This thursdays show will be her last.

There are also rumors that Sara Ramirez character Callie Torres will leave the show at a later date. Another effect of the whole ordeal seems to be that Rebecca Romijns transexual character Alexis Meade on Ugly Betty is dropped from the regular cast and will now only appear as a recurring character. It's so sad to see the spineless people at ABC following the demands of the hateful concerened public.

All of this tells me that large parts of the american public have huge problems accepting people of alternative sexual orientations and there is alot of work to be done there.

In my mind you should have no right to be proud of having elected an african american president as long as this type of hatred is shown towards a large part of the population.

Rant over


PS. On a side note I'm pleased to see that Michigan voted to allow stem cell research.

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